Draft programme
20 June 2019
8.30 - 9.30
9.30 - 10.00
Opening Ceremony
Welcome addresses Prof. Paolo Comanducci and Rectors of affiliated universities
10.00 - 10.30
Topic: Keynote
Arti Ahluwalia (Centro 3R and UNIPI) – Introductory and welcome remarks
Keynote Lecture: Susanna Louhimies (DG Environment) –Directive 2010/63/EU – progress, challenges and future directions
10.30 - 11.00
Coffee Break
11.00 - 12.20
Topic: Involvement of national and international Institutions in 3R implementation.
Ugo Santucci, Ministero della Salute, Italy
Delegato MIUR
Rodolfo Lorenzini, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Italy
Adelaide Dura (JRC EURL ECVAM) – Three Rs in education and training
12.20 - 13.20
Topic: Reduction and Refinement: scientific, ethical and legal issues
Angelo Gazzano, (UNIPI) – Refinement of laboratory animal welfare
Michele Panzera, (Università di Messina) – Neurophysiological models of animal sentience
Franco Manti, (UNIGE) – For an ethical experimentation: Moral arguments in support of 3Rs.
13.20 - 14.30
Light Lunch and Young Poster Session
14.30 - 15.30
Topic: Companies in supporting 3R principles
Salvatore Simmini (StemCell Technologies) – Discovering Organoids: The Journey Of 3D Culture Systems
Francesco Nevelli (Senior Scientist, MerckGroup) – Renewing Potency Assays: moving forward from traditional methods
Nikolas Gaio (BI/OND) – Versatile organ on chip platforms | |
Alberto Manganaro (Kode Chemoinformatics) –QSAR models and their practical use, the experience of Kode
15.30 - 16.10
Topic: In Silico Models: Toxicology & Efficacy of Drugs, and Chemicals
Marco A. Deriu (POLITO) – Computational molecular modelling as replacement technology in rational drug design & discovery
Gaetano Valenza (UNIPI) – From statistical uncertainty to machine learning through in-silico models
16.10 - 17.10
Topic: Application of Reduction principles in animal testing
Raffaella Colombo (UNIPV) – A new *in vitro* gastrointestinal system to evaluate the effect of exogenous molecules
Luigi Preziosi (POLITO) – How can Mathematical Modelling Support Cancer Research
Manuela Marcoli (UNIGE ) – Organ and Tissue Sharing Project
17.10 - 17.50
Topic: Application of Refinement principles in animal testing
Gianluca Ciardelli (POLITO) – On the transferability of tissue engineering technologies to the design of tissue models
Michele Conti (UNIPV) – Biomechanical simulations and 3D printing for endovascular device testing
17.50- 20.00
Cocktails and poster evaluation
21 June 2019
9.30 - 9.50
Keynote Lecture: Chantra Eskes (Swiss 3R Center) – Promoting 3Rs implementation through research, education, communication
9.50 - 10.50
Topic: Disease Models Using Human Cells, Tissues and Organs
Barbara Parodi (IRCSS San Martino Genova) – Biobanking and biomolecular resource research infrastructure: the Italian node.
Simone Lapi (Biobanca Pisa) – Pisa Biobank and Tuscany Regional Biorepository
Gianfranco Beniamino Fiore (POLIMI) – Advanced culture systems for ex-vivo vascular tissue conditioning
Coffee Break and Young Poster Session
11.20 –12.10
Round table - Role of 3R Centers
Young Poster Session Award
Light Lunch
14.00- 15.20
Topic: Application of Replacement in research
Sara Mantero (POLIMI) – Bioreactors as physiological-like in vitro models
Maria Grazia Cascone (UNIPI) –Tissue engineered constructs for the replacement of laboratory animals
Paola Petrini (POLIMI) – Hydrogel-based platforms to mimic in vivo drug diffusion: a multicenter research
Susi Burgalassi (UNIPI) – Reconstituted epithelial corneal tissues for evaluation of drug delivery
15.20 -16.20
Topic: Commitment of Centro 3R in University training
Anna Maria Bassi (UNIGE) –Teaching and Training in Substitutive Approaches to Animal Testing: Commitment of UNIGE
Valeria Chiono (POLITO) – Approaching 3R teaching in biomedical engineering
Arti Ahluwalia (UNIPI) – Inserting 3Rs in core curricula, hurdles and achievements
Andrea Aliverti (POLIMI) – Ethical issues in Ph.D. training at PoliMI
16.20 - 18.00
Centro 3R Council Meeting