First edition - SUMM3R SCHOOL

Home / Eventi / First edition - SUMM3R SCHOOL
da 09 Luglio 2025 - 09:00 a 11 Luglio 2025 - 18:30



The Summ3R School will be held in Genova from 9th to 11th July 2025 and will be organised as a theoretical-pratical course focusing on the lastest advances in 3Rs research.

While the theoretical module will be held at  Room 401 -  DISTAV  - corso Europa, 26, the Hands-on modules will be held at Polo BioTek - v.le Benedetto XV 9.


The Summ3R School is aimed at students who have completed a Master's degree or PhD students, working in relevant fields of basic, applied or translational research.



Fee before June 1st    € 35

Fee after June 1st       € 55

Registration fee includes: attendance to all the theoretical and pratical sessions, teaching materials (digital and paper copy), light lunch, social dinner, certificate of participation.


The registration link is open! Follow this link (

After confirming the registration, the fee has to be paid through Bank Transfer, payable to: Ggallery srl – Banco di Credito Azzoaglio, Filiale di Cengio (SV), Via Bagnolo 1, 17056 IBAN IT87Z0342549370CC0260111990, Re: SUMM3R SCHOOL 2025
The receipt of  payment has to be sent by 07/06/2022, by email ( or in person to Ggallery srl – Piazza Manin 2 b-r, Opening hours: 9 - 18 (parking available)
Open to up to 45 participants.
Attendance certificate for a 24 hours course will be released to all the students.
Students enrolled in the PhD programmes in Experimental Medicine and Science and Technology for the Environment and Territory of the University of Genova will be accredited 3 CFU. Students enrolled in the PhD programmes in Bioengineering and Robotics of the University of Genova will be accredited 2 CFU. 


Anna Maria Bassi, Giulia De Negri Atanasio, Elena Grasselli, Sonia Scarfi, Laura Pastorino, Stefania Vernazza, Sara Tirendi - UNIGE

Arti Ahluwalia, Chiara Magliaro - UNIPI

Valeria Chiono - POLITO

For info, please email