3Rs student grants 2020: call for submissions

Home / News / 3Rs student grants 2020: call for submissions
08 Giugno 2020

The European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA) (https://ec.europa.eu/growth/sectors/chemicals/epaa_en) supports students and young scientists with outstanding work in the field of alternative approaches to attend high-profile scientific events in the field of the 3Rs.

The purpose of the EPAA grants is to sponsor students to participate in the major 3Rs events in 2020. EPAA will award a full grant (1000 EUR) and a half grant (500 EUR) for each of the eligible events in 2020:


1.the ESTIV2020 CONGRESS, which will be held in Barcelona/SP from 8-11 June 2020  https://www.estiv.org/congress2020/

2.the 11TH WORLD CONGRESS ON ALTERNATIVES, which will be held in Maastricht/NL from 23-27 August 2020 http://wc11maastricht.org/ , and

3. the EUROTOX 2020 CONGRESS, which will be hald in Copenhagen/DK from 6-9 September 2020 http://eurotox-congress.com/2020/


You will find detailed information about the EPAA 3Rs grants at the following link https://ec.europa.eu/growth/content/3rs-student-grants-2020-call-submissions_en



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