Biologia molecolare

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Laura Burattini

I am Full Professor of Bioengineering and President of the Biomedical Engineering Degree Council at the Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy), where I manage the Cardiovascular Bioengineering and Bioengineering Labs. I cofounded and managed the academic spin-off B.M.E.D. Bio-Medical Engineering Development srl (CEO and President from 2012 to 2016). My research interests relate to processing and modelling of biomedical signals, especially of the cardiovascular, metabolic and motor systems.




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Brainstorming: a scientific networking event

Data evento 29 Ottobre 2024 - da 15:00 a 19:00
Luogo Polo Le Benedettine, Piazza S. Paolo a Ripa D'Arno, 16, Pisa